Klimakonzert Orchester des Wandels
Dies irae
Giacinto Scelsi
"Okanagon" for Harp, Double Bass and Tamtam (1968)
Heinrich Ignaz Franz Biber
"Battalia" à 10 for strings and basso continuo (1673)
Georg Crumb
Selected movements from "Black Angels. Thirteen Images from the Dark Land" for string quartet (1970)
Michael Hersch
Violin Concerto (2015/2017) (revised version of the 1st movement with new cadence)
Antonio Lotti
"Crucifixus" in D minor for ten voices (1717/19 )
Byzantinischer Gesang zu Psalm 140
(arrangiert für Violine solo von Patricia Kopatchinskja)
Giacinto Scelsi
"Anagamin" for eleven strings (1965)
Galina Ustwolskaja
Composition No. 2 "Dies irae" for eight double basses, percussion and piano (1972/73)
Gregorianischer Hymnus
»Dies irae«
A Performance of the foundation NaturTon in cooperation with ewerk and the foundation kulturelle Erneuerung.
»Dies Irae« wurde produziert von LUCERNE FESTIVAL